
E-mail :taipeislpu@gmail.com




2011年3月19日 星期六

Speech Pathology Australia 2011 National Conference

Conference Program & Online Registration 

The Speech Pathology Australia Diversity & DevelopmeNT 2011 National Conference program and Online registration are now available.
It is recommended you read through the program before proceeding to the Online registration process.  By doing so you will have the opportunity to view what is on offer, each day, prior to making your selection.  Some sessions will be limited to room size, so please register early to avoid disappointment.
The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) together with the Scientific Program Sub- Committee (SPSC) have endeavoured to put a program together that will be beneficial and enjoyable to everyone.
Below are some ‘tips’ to help assist you with a stress free experience
  • To successfully view the program you will need to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat reader.
  • Credit Card payment is the only form of Online payment offered. The Tax Receipt and confirmation of registration will be emailed to you within one hour of registration.
  • Register if the Register key is grey, you have not logged in.  Once you have logged in, the Register key will become solid and you can then proceed.
  • Full Practicing member and Non member registrations automatically include the Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner. Full registrations for Full-time post graduate students, re-entry, non practising and students (entry level ie: Graduate entry masters & UG bachelor students) automatically includes the Welcome Reception only. Tickets for the Conference Dinner or additional Welcome Reception tickets can be purchased Online with your registration.
  • Conference sessions need to be selected during the registration process.  Please note that after each heading selection the screen to revert to the top and you will need to scroll down.  If you click this icon   on the registration page the information regarding the presentation will appear at the top left side of the screen.  In some instances you will need to scroll up.
  • Associate Professions who have attended a previous Speech Pathology Australia National Conference will already have a Username & Password.  If you do not remember this information, at the Events page, click the Create a New Account link and follow the process.  Association Professions attending the conference for the first time can follow the same process. Either way the relevant information will be provided.  Following this process, Associate Professions will be offered the Member rates.
  • If you require special assistance, please ensure you complete the relevant section on the Online registration.

